31 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 55 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The years teach much
which the days never knew.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

30 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 54 - Benjamin Disraeli

But what minutes!
Count them by sensation,
and not by calendars,
and each moment is a day.

Benjamin Disraeli

29 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 53 - William C. Bryant

Weep not that the world changes -
did it keep a stable, changeless state,
it were a cause indeed to weep.

William C. Bryant

28 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 52 - Hal Boyle

What makes a river so restful to people
is that it doesn't have any doubt -
it is sure to get where it is going,
and it doesn't want to go anywhere else.

Hal Boyle

27 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 51 - Gilbert K. Chesterton

There are no rules of architecture
for a castle in the clouds.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

26 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 50 - John Dryden

Love is love's reward.

John Dryden

25 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 49 - Emily Bronte

Whatever our souls are made of,
his and mine are the same.

Emily Bronte

24 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 47 - John Dryden

It is easier to forgive an enemy
than to forgive a friend.

John Dryden

23 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 48 - Henry Ward Beecher

Faith is spiritualized imagination.

Henry Ward Beecher

22 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 46 - Francis Bacon

Things alter for the worse spontaneously,
if they be not altered for the better designedly.

Francis Bacon

21 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 45 - Peter Ustinov

I am an optimist, unrepentant and militant.
After all, in order not to be a fool an optimist
must know how sad a place the world can be.

It is only the pessimist
who finds this out anew every day.

Peter Ustinov

20 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 44 - Winston Churchill

The optimist sees opportunity in every danger.
The pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.

Winston Churchill

19 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 43 - Heraclitus

Nothing endures but change.


18 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 42 - Mark Twain

Twenty years from now you will be
more disappointed by the things
you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

17 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 41 - Seneca

It is not because things are difficult
that we do not dare.
It is because we do not dare
that they are difficult.


16 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 40 - Abraham Lincoln

And in the end it's not the years
in your life that count.
It's the life in your years.

Abraham Lincoln

15 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 39 - Blaise Pascal

In faith there is enough light
for those who want to believe
and enough shadows
to blind those who don't.

Blaise Pascal

14 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 38 - André Gide

Everything has been said before,
but since nobody listens
we have to keep going back
and beginning all over again.

André Gide

13 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 37 - Vincent van Gogh

When I have a terrible need of
- shall I say the word - religion,
then I go out and paint the stars.

Vincent van Gogh

12 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 36 - Albert Einstein

Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand
everything better.

Albert Einstein

11 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 35 - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Someday, after mastering the winds,
the waves, the tides and gravity,
we shall harness for God the energies of love.
And then, for a second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

10 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 34 - C. S. Lewis

Friendship is unnecessary,
like philosophy,
like art...
It has no survival value;
rather it is one of those things
that give value to survival.

C. S. Lewis

9 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 33 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Peace cannot be achieved through violence,
it can only be attained through understanding.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

8 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 32 - Robert Frost

Poetry is
when an emotion has found its thought
and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost

7 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 31 - Edgar Allan Poe

Those who dream by day
are cognizant of many things
which escape those
who dream only by night.

Edgar Allan Poe

6 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 30 - Paul Gauguin

It is the eye of ignorance
that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color
to every object;
beware of this stumbling block.

Paul Gauguin

5 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 29 -Lord Chesterfield

In seeking wisdom thou art wise,
in imagining that thou hast attained it
thou art a fool.

Lord Chesterfield

4 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 28 - Francis Bacon

A prudent question
is one-half of wisdom.

Francis Bacon

3 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 27 - André Breton

I have always been amazed at the way an
ordinary observer lends so much more credence
and attaches so much more importance
to waking events than to those occurring in dreams...
Man... is above all the plaything of his memory.

André Breton

2 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 26 - Aldous Huxley

Happiness is not achieved
by the conscious pursuit of happiness.
It is generally the by-product of other activities.

Aldous Huxley

1 December 2006

Inspirational Quote 25 - Mahatma Gandhi

The future depends on what we do
in the present.

Mahatma Gandhi